September is, increasingly for us, a month of changes. As the seasons shift from summer to fall, the days, and especially the nights, are cooler. It's getting dark earlier. The kids have gone back to school. Karlye's mom moved so Karlye is attending 6th grade at a new school, in a new city, in a new state. Jordan started 5th grade at the local intermediate school. Sasha's still at the elementary school here in town, but first grade brings a new classroom, new teacher and new classmates. So far the kids are enjoying school and coping with the early mornings and more structured schedule just fine. I'm not loving the whole "waking up to an alarm clock again" deal, but I guess I don't really have a choice.
Read MoreThis month we had several firsts. Sasha lost her first two teeth. She actually pulled the first one out herself! Since she's starting first grade she got to put her school supplies in her very own desk for the first time ever. Jordan and Karlye got their first locker shelves and other assorted locker paraphernalia and got to arrange their lockers for the first time. Charlie had his first doggy play date with our friends' miniature pinscher Pagoda and lived to tell the tale. (He's normally terrified of small dogs.) And I did my first mud run!
Read MoreI really don't want summer to be over, ever. We got a postcard in the mail yesterday with the kindergarten registration dates. I'm going to miss Jordan so much once he starts school - all day Monday through Friday. Sasha and I will be lonely and bored, I think.
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