Sasha's Third Birthday
The best thing about warm Novembers is going to the park for Sasha's birthday (this was our second year in a row). I felt bad because "the big day" was none too fun. Sasha was recovering from a fever (meaning mommy wouldn't let her have any sugar) and both Justin and I had to work, so the only time we were together was at breakfast. We did sing Happy Birthday before Jordan left for school, and I managed to dig up a gold party hat and three yellow balloons (the last ones in the party box). We didn't even have her present because we decided to get her a sled and Target (the only store we'd had time to look at) didn't have them in stock yet.
Luckily, by Sunday the 7th, which was the first day we had time to celebrate, Sasha was feeling better and the weather was beautiful. Our friends Pete and Beth came over with their two little girls and we went to the park. The kids had lots of fun playing in the leaves while the guys played football and Beth and I talked (what else?!?). Then we came home for supper, cake and presents.
Sasha got some new ponies and her own lip balm from our friends (she opened the lip balm before we went to the park, and it shows up in almost all the pictures since she wouldn't let me hold on to it for her). I managed to find a very reasonably priced sled at Farm and Fleet, as well as a little red snow shovel and a My Little Pony puzzle. Sasha loves puzzles so much right now that she'll often inform me that she's done all of her puzzles and ask to do some of Jordan's. Anyway, we had a great time and got some pretty good pictures too!
Sasha on the slide
Mae & Sasha, ready to go
Made it to the bottom!
Jordan joins in