Here Comes the Bride

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DaDumDaDum...guess what all...I am now officially married!!! And yes, I did change my name. I'm Mrs. Disch now. Craziness. The wedding was really nice, and I actually felt pretty. Justin was winking at me during the ceremony because he said I looked sad. I did feel like I was going to cry, but not because I was sad. I think I was happy and in shock all at once. And believe it or not, I was about 10 minutes late getting to the church. I guess that'll happen when you have a kid to get ready as well as yourself. But I guess Justin wasn't too worried that I wouldn't show up. He just kept asking people where he son was. What about his bride?!?



In other news, I, like Heather, am now a temp. I'm an office assistant for an accounting firm. As it is tax season, there is quite a lot to do. I spent my morning stuffing envelopes. It was thrilling. I definitley don't want to do this forever, but it does fulfill my current requirements for a decently paying part time job from 8 AM to noon. And the people I work with are pretty nice.

For anyone waitng in suspense, I did get roses for Valentine's Day, and they were beautiful. Also, I did not wear black shoes with my dress; Penny's came through for me with some decent off white shoes.

The little man calls, I think he's teething...ah the joys of drool and sore gums.