And Life Goes On

I am totally out of my element. What in the world is an English major doing working for an accountant? To think I would live to see the day when I would be wishing for the end of tax season, and dreading that it would come too soon at the same time. I have piles and piles of tax returns to assemble, clients to call, folders to file, appointments to make, and checks to enter. On top of all that I accidentally ordered legal size paper instead of letter, and now I have to call the office supply co. and see if I can return it. What fun! Justin and I are waiting breathlessly for the day when my sister and brother-in-law can afford to have us move out so that we can get a place of our own. Jordan's baby equipment and toys are rapidly taking over our two rooms, and the noise from upstairs is crazy. Not to mention the stress of dealing with other people who are also stressed out.

Last, but certainly not least, I have been informed that I have crossed over to the other side and am now a full fledged married mom type of person. Apparently I have a "mom-sized" purse, and the coupon organizer I was so thrilled to purchase from Walmart is decidedly matronly. But I will never entirely grow up and conform, as illustrated by my insistence on using safety pins on all my clothes at the slightest provocation. (Justin abhors this, but I informed him that I am just a little bit punky, and he will just have to deal with it).