Wheelin' and Dealin'

Jordan had yesterday and today off of school. Earlier this week he asked me if he could have his friend Nicholas sleep over some time over his long weekend. Then wanted to know if Nicholas could sleep over, would I make macaroni and cheese from a box for supper. It's so funny how the kid is not that interested in my fabulous homemade mac and cheese but he loves any kind that comes in a box. (Oh wait, he's not a big fan of the Annie's organic mac & cheese either.) Not sure how this all fits into his New Year's resolution to eat healthier, but anyway...

I said "we'll see" about the generic box mac and cheese and he immediately started bargaining.

Jordan: "I'll give you some of my money if you make macaroni and cheese."

Me: "I'm not going to take your money Jordan."

Jordan: "I'll make you something special in art class this week."

Me: "I love when you make me things in art class. We'll see about the macaroni and cheese."

Jordan: "But Mom I'll give you something or make you something."

Me: "Jordan, you don't need to give me anything. I understand that you really really want macaroni and cheese. We'll see. Probably."

Needless to say, he got his box mac & cheese for supper tonight. Kind of reminds me of sophomore year of high school when I spent two days trying to convince my parents to let me go to the Bush concert. I finally won the argument by telling them I would never take hot lunch at school again unless I paid for it myself.

Side Note: Sasha's teeth are "very sparkly and shiny" because she just had her first "dentist be-pointment".