The Calm After the Storm

I might as well start this post by saying what a week! If my last post (which took me 4 days to publish) wasn't completely coherent, I can't be blamed. After I gave Jordan the first application of his prescription ointment I put him to bed and sat down to write. Midway through typing my entry, he showed up at my side itchier than he's ever been in his life. I spent the next 3 hours doing everything I could think of to help him.

Finally, at 10p.m. I gave him an oatmeal bath and he settled down. He slept until 4a.m., at which time he woke up crying that he was itchy and in pain. My attempt to administer topical Benadryl only resulted in him screaming in pain. So I got ahold of the doctor on call, who told me he had no real advice to offer me, and to try the oatmeal bath again and call the pediatrician in the a.m. Thank God, Jordan fell asleep on my lap while I was on the phone. The next morning he was fine and his rash was vastly improved.

The nurse at the doctor's office said it was probably just the beginning of the healing process that was so uncomfortable. That's all well and good, but a little warning would have been nice. Of course, all of that was extremely stressful and exhausting, and when factored into my very busy week and the exhaustion of having a nasty cough and dealing with a sick baby who is cutting her first tooth (!) did not make for a great couple of days. But now I'm done with scheduled events for the week and can take a few moments to relax before starting in on the 2 million items on my to do list. Woo hoo.