I'm Baaaack!

Hello all! I have decided once again to take keyboard in hand and rejoin the wonderful world of blogging. Although I would love to pretend that my motivation is pure, and that I am blogging simply for the sake of blogging, like George Washington I "cannot tell a lie". (Okay, I can, but I won't). I've been considering doing the whole blog thing again lately because I've been feeling really out of touch with family, friends, acquaintances, and really with life as a whole. Having a baby and a job with virtually no interpersonal interaction will do that to a person I guess.

But what's pushing me back into the blogging fold now is really a desire for shameless self-promotion. I've started my own business making crafts from second-hand and recycled materials and realize that blogging could be an excellent avenue for marketing. So on that note, check out my Etsy shop (the link to the left that says Hannah's Shop, in case that wasn't totally obvious). Buy my stuff, tell your friends...more stuff will be added all the time.

Now that that's out of the way I can also say that I need to brush up on my writing because I'm planning to start writing real actual books (as opposed to imaginary books) and to do some freelance writing. So, I will attempt to make this blog interesting and informative. That way we all get more for our money! Look out for lots of fun stories about child-rearing, house-wifery, demeaning part-time jobs, and the link to a site with lots of cute family pictures, as soon as I get it up and running.