He's Here!

Jordan's Birth
Jordan's Birth

Well, as Clare has already announced my baby's birth on her blog, and as anyone reading this (if anyone IS actually reading this) has probably already talked to me about it, I won't go into all the bloody details again. Suffice it to say that I now have a son, my tiny little Jordan. He was born Saturday night, and I still can't believe he's mine. He is, naturally, the smartest and cutest baby ever to be born.

Justin, Hannah & Jordan in the hospital
Justin, Hannah & Jordan in the hospital
Jordan - Days Old
Jordan - Days Old

We spent the last three mornings trekking to his doctor, because he kept losing weight, but then today he finally gained 4 ounces, so that annoyance is finally over. He can already pick his head up when he is lying on his stomach, and his daddy told me that he said "hi" to grandma in the hospital the night he was born. Hmmm...I suspect my posts shall be very baby oriented from now on. I apologize for this, but really there is nothing I can do about it. So ya'll will just have to deal with it. And now I'm off to try to accomplish something before the baby wakes up and wants to be fed. The joys of parenting.