Fun Facts

Two Trouble-Makers Soaking Up the Sun

Two Trouble-Makers Soaking Up the Sun

  1. I no longer need to set an alarm. My elderly dog now sits outside my bedroom door and whines to be let in at approximately 5:55 every single morning. This is perfect timing because I’ve usually just managed to fall back into a deep sleep after dozing through the sounds of my husband’s alarm (he typically hits snooze 3-4 times), shower, and coffee/work lunch preparations. After I open the door for the dog and crawl back into bed, he proceeds to groom himself loudly and make grumbling noises for several minutes before falling asleep and starting to snore. If I actually manage to get back to sleep after this, he starts whining to go out of the bedroom about 45 minutes later. I haven’t tested whether or not he would eventually start whining to come back in if I then went back to bed, but I imagine it would be a vicious and unending cycle. Since today is Saturday, I got to listen to snoring in stereo this morning - the dog on one side of the bed and my husband on the other.

  2. One of our outdoor/garage cats caught a bird the other evening and left it at the top of the stairs as a gift. Since I didn’t immediately get rid of it (I consider disposing of animal corpses to be a job for anyone other than me), he and/or his brother went to town on it. Initially they left the wings for us, but eventually all that remained was two sad bird feet at the bottom of the steps and feathers, feathers, feathers, feathers everywhere.

  3. While addressing my son’s graduation party invitations at 11 o’clock last night, I failed to notice that the envelopes had been flipped top-to-bottom midway through the stack. The vast majority of the invitations that I addressed upside down are, naturally, going to the people most likely to notice my mistake.

Hannah Disch1 Comment