Posts in Parenting
My Evening

Already a little tomboy, Sasha loves to play catch. This evening she mastered the art of throwing a ball while standing. And nobody was more proud of her than she was of herself, the little dickens. 

After I got the kids in bed I tried on a multitude of clothes trying to find something to wear to work tomorrow. Now that I have standards for what I have to wear I'm finding getting dressed in the morning to be a lot more difficult. I was just scraping by when it was warmer, but long-sleeve shirts and pants that fit me, match, aren't denim, and don't require the wearing of heels are basically non-existent in my closet. 

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Vroom Vroom

Today my daughter (my daughter!) who is only 9 months old was playing with one of Jordan's toy cars, and running it along the ground and making the cutest little car noises. I was absolutely amazed. First of all, isn't she a bit young for that? And secondly (and most importantly) isn't she supposed to be my little girlie-girl? 

I need an ally against all the maleness going on around here. I mean, I grew up surrounded by girls, but I spent the last 4 years alone with the boys when Kar wasn't here. And Karlye loves sports just as much as the rest of them! If Sasha continues on this path she's going to love sports, hate dresses, despise pink...and then what will I do? 

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Baby Genius? I Think So

Yes, I do think that Sasha is a baby genius. It's only to be expected since Jordan was one, and since her parents are so brilliant. :) Since five months of age, Sasha has used a fake cough to get attention. Since having a very bad real cough a few weeks ago she has amped up the fake cough so that it sounds like she is coughing so hard she's choking. She also responds to her name, initiates games of peek-a-boo and chase, and (best of all) knows how to say mama. Usually she says "um-um-umma" but every once in a while she slips in a "mama". Also, when I ask her if she wants her nummies, she starts hyperventilating, saying "umma", and trying to rip off my shirt. 

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The Calm After the Storm

I might as well start this post by saying what a week! If my last post (which took me 4 days to publish) wasn't completely coherent, I can't be blamed. After I gave Jordan the first application of his prescription ointment I put him to bed and sat down to write. Midway through typing my entry, he showed up at my side itchier than he's ever been in his life. I spent the next 3 hours doing everything I could think of to help him.

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Oh Happy Day

I got the new job!!! I'm so excited! I start July 15. No more endless scanning and filing; I'm actually going to be doing something I'm interested in. It sounds like I'll be working primarily with graphics, as well as doing general office stuff, but I'll also get to do some writing and editing. Besides, I've always been interested in graphics. Maybe Suzy can teach me a thing or two. 

Justin's summer shut down is coming up, starting this Friday. It will be so nice to have some time together and maybe even accomplish some things around the house. It would be great if we could get our dining room chairs refinished to match the table, especially since I have the great big roll of fabric all ready and waiting downstairs.

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Birdies and Bananas and Crackers, Oh No!

Well, we got a fire going, no problem. It did rain a little bit at night, but it was nice and sunny in the morning. Justin grilled our steaks perfectly, using a technique he learned from a show about cowboy cooking on the Food Network, and our s'mores were definitely melted. And Jordan slept just fine at Grandpa's, which is a miracle, considering he hasn't slept anywhere but his own bed at home in a year. 

We took Jordan in for his 18 month checkup on Friday, and I feel bad, because when the doctor asked us about how Jordan's talking was coming along, I pretty much failed as a mom. 

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Rain, Rain, Go Away and Other Wet News

Well, naturally, it rained all weekend. So we didn't go to Festa Italia or Bratfest, although Justin did manage to squeeze in nine holes of golf on Monday. We had Memorial Day dinner at my mom and dad's and I ate way more than was good for me, as usual. In fact, we all weighed ourselves when we got home, and I weighed the most I've weighed since I lost my pregnancy weight (not that I lost all of it, but that's not the point, is it now?). Somehow though, I did manage to lose five pounds overnight (it's like a train-wreck - once I weigh myself I have to keep checking, there's just no stopping).

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So Much For Good Intentions

So much for good intentions...Almost two months since my last post. I am feeling really un-inspired today, but I thought...What the heck, I'm at work, I'm bored (as usual), might as well do something productive. Lots of Christmas stuff going on. I actually did most of my shopping ahead of time, so I just have a few last minute things to do today and tomorrow. Oh, with the rather glaring exception that Justin asked me to crochet a scarf for his mom's new husband, and I have two days to do that along with all the other stuff. We've got 5 Christmases to do this year, so the schedule is a little tight. Oh well, the more the merrier.

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Teeth, Fairies, Etc.

Big news everyone...Jordan got three new teeth this weekend! That brings the grand total up to 5. He's actually starting to get hair now too and he walks almost everywhere. I can't believe how big he's getting! Now if he would just outgrow his infant car seat carrier thing I could get him one of those car seats that you leave in the car and my back might recover from hauling him around in the carrier. Also the permanent bruises on my legs from the car seat slamming into them might heal.

I get the joy of planning Jordan's first birthday party now too. I think there are going to be about 30 people invited so it should be great fun. Luckily less than half of those are children, so while our house will be packed full, hopefully the level of destruction won't be too bad. Another exciting thing that I'm preparing for is Halloween. Months before Jordan was even born, Justin and I decided that we were going to take him trick-or-treating this year, even though he's far too young to eat candy. This way, we get to eat all of it. Selfish? Yes. Do I care? NO.

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Happy V-Day

Well, well well...happy Valentines Day to all and sundry. I have long held to the belief that Valentines Day was a cynical marketing ploy designed to humiliate those of us who weren't in a relationship and up the price of Hallmark stock, but now that I am not alone I am slightly less cynical. Granted, I still haven't gotten a V-day present, but the day is not yet over and I still have hope. Well, actually I did get a really nice card and some candy from my sister (who got a can of soup from me, but she liked it, really) but that's not the present I mean.

On another note, I know every parent thinks their child is the smartest and cutest child in the whole world, but Jordan really is (and the strongest too). He has been able to hold his head up since the day he was born. If I lay him on a pillow, he literally does sit ups. He watches TV, especially HGTV (and sports as well, I'm afraid). He "talks" to anyone who will pay the slightest bit of attention to him and has done this since day one. My own parents, experts by virtue of having had 9 children, think he is extraordinary and acts more like a 6 month old than a 2 month old. And there is no denying that he is the cutest baby of all time, after all, he is my son, and have you seen his pictures?!?

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He's Here!

Well, as Clare has already announced my baby's birth on her blog, and as anyone reading this (if anyone IS actually reading this) has probably already talked to me about it, I won't go into all the bloody details again. Suffice it to say that I now have a son, my tiny little Jordan. He was born Saturday night, and I still can't believe he's mine. He is, naturally, the smartest and cutest baby ever to be born.

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