Birdies and Bananas and Crackers, Oh No!

Well, we got a fire going, no problem. It did rain a little bit at night, but it was nice and sunny in the morning. Justin grilled our steaks perfectly, using a technique he learned from a show about cowboy cooking on the Food Network, and our s'mores were definitely melted. And Jordan slept just fine at Grandpa's, which is a miracle, considering he hasn't slept anywhere but his own bed at home in a year.

We took Jordan in for his 18 month checkup on Friday, and I feel bad, because when the doctor asked us about how Jordan's talking was coming along, I pretty much failed as a mom. The doctor asked if Jordan was putting two words together yet, and I said no. Then he asked if Jordan was saying any words yet, and I said a few and named the three he's been saying since his nine month checkup. No sooner do we get in the car than Jordan says, "oh no", and I remember that he's been saying that for quite a while, and that he also says another ten or fifteen words I completely forgot about.

Oh well. I'm so busy chasing around after him, I don't know how I can be expected to remember everything he knows how to do. He's growing up so fast. Last week he said "birdie" for the first time, Saturday he said "banana" and yesterday he said "cracker". "Car" is still his favorite word, and has been for about three weeks. When he first learned to say it, he wouldn't even eat because all he wanted to do was sit on the floor and play with his cars.