My Baby's A Big Girl

I've suspected that Sasha's been having nightmares for a while now, and last night confirmed it. I was in bed sound asleep when all of a sudden at 12:30 I heard Sasha start to cry over the baby monitor. The crying quickly escalated to screaming, and then I heard her thump out of bed and run for the door. I went upstairs and she was laying against the bedroom door sobbing "I'm scared of spiders" over and over and over again. I told her it was a bad dream, tucked her into bed, succumbed to her request for "one last more song", and allowed her to put me into a stranglehold while I sang so that she would feel secure. It would have been funny, except for the big tears running down her tiny chubby cheeks. It's too bad kids start to have bad dreams just when you finally have them sleeping through the night, and coming downstairs on their own in the morning.

In other "big girl" news, Sasha's high chair is posted on Craig's List, as she's been eating (relatively) neatly in a booster at the table for a month or so now. And, the most exciting change of all - she's almost completely potty trained! No accidents for a week or so, and she only wears diapers at bedtime. She says she's old enough to wear her big girl underpants to bed but the sopping wet diaper I change every morning says otherwise. Maybe it's time to take the sippy cup full of water out of her bed, but then she'd probably whine all night about being thirsty...