Look Before You Leave

Today was one of those on-the-go days, the kind where you can barely catch your breath and grab a drink of water between errands. It started off, as so many of my days now do, with me fighting with Jordan about the amount of breakfast he needs to eat to be prepared for school. This morning he thought that should be none, and I thought some would be better. I gave my usual running countdown til bus arrival time, while he threw an even bigger fit than usual. Finally at 8 minutes and counting he wolfed down his breakfast, speed-peed, threw his shoes and backpack on and ran out the door. (Nope, no time for proper dental hygiene today).

After Jo left, I went upstairs to get Sasha, who was saying "Mama, fick it fick it" (fix it) over the baby monitor. I replaced the offending pillowcase, picked out her clothes, changed her diaper, got her dressed, and gave her a bowl of cereal. Then I carried on a non-stop conversation with her, along the lines of "mama's coming, eat your cereal, ooo nummy cereal, I'll be right there, we'll go bye-bye after you eat your breakfast, Daddy's at work, yes, Jo-Jo took the bus to school, you'll see him after we go to Mommy's work, Mommy will be right there, eat your cereal, just a minute, Mommy's getting dressed, etc." while brushing my teeth, straightening my hair, and throwing on some clothes. Then I washed Sasha up, cleaned off the bib, high chair, and counter, packed the diaper bag, and we were off.

I had 2 hours to make the 15 minute drive to a nearby town, go to St. Vincent's, the co-op, and the resale store, and drive back home before I had to make lunch, change Sasha, repack the diaper bag and drive to work. When I got home from running errands (15 minutes later than planned) I happened to glance in the mirror, and it was at that point that I realized my shirt was on inside out. Now, I'm going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and assume that I put it on wrong at St. Vincent's when I was trying on clothes, and that I didn't put it on wrong two times in one morning. But still, I can't believe that no one felt the need to tell me that my shirt was on inside out. Geez!